Pues eso parece. Me acaba de llegar un mail de ZAGG (nuevo nombre de shieldzone), en el que dicen esto:
Friends of ZAGG,
This has been a memorable summer for us. It started with changing our
name to ZAGG Inc and taking the company public. It continued with
opening a European division and introducing popular invisibleSHIELD
designs for hot, new gadgets. And it concluded with a huge increase
in orders.
We want to thank you for your support – none of this could have
happened without our loyal customers.
At the same time, our unprecedented growth has overloaded our previous
capacities and caused a few delays in processing orders. Everyone
inconvenienced by this is important to us, so we want to take a moment
to let everyone know what we are doing to accommodate the growth.
As a start, as of last Friday, we have doubled our phone lines,
our customer service staff and our fulfillment capacities. These
changes will allow us to better respond to everyone in a timely manner.
Also, we have created an order status page on our site. This will
allow you to check the status of your order at any time. You can find
it here: http://www.shieldzone.com/manage or by clicking
on the order status link just above the search box on our site.
Thank you for your patience as we return your phone and email
messages. We are committed to the highest quality service, and we
want to take care of each one of our fantastic customers. You are
important to us – you are the reason for our success!
Looking forward to a bright future,
Robert G. Pedersen II
President and CEO, ZAGG Inc
Me parece una noticia estupenda, ahora tardarán menos en llegarnos las cosas, además han incluido un seguimiento de envio, donde podemos ver el estado del envio. Esto último es importante, porque mucha gente se preocupaba un montón al ver que tardaba tanto (entre ellos yo).
Además, si usamos la garantía, tambien nos saldrá más barato el envío jeje
Ahora solo falta ver que hacen con los precios, 1€=1$ o 1€=1.42331$