Terry, hasta ahora te respetaba o.0
Ese es el más normal, Rolling On the Floor Laughing, pero también hay ROFLCOPTER. Para más información consulte la tabla siguiente:
# ROTFLOL - Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud.
# ROFLAPMP - Rolling On the Floor Laughing And Peeing my Pants.
# ROFLMAO - Rolling On the Floor Laughing My Ass Off.
# ROFLMAOASTC - Rolling On the Floor Laughing My Ass Off And Scaring The Cat.
# ROFLMAOAY - Rolling On the Floor Laughing My Ass Off At You.
# ROFLMAOWTIME - Rolling On the Floor Laughing My Ass Off With Tears In My Eyes.
# ROFLCOPTER - An obscure method of laughing at something or someone, often associated with laughing over and over or non-stop. ROFLCOPTER is also associated with any type of ASCII drawn helicopter that contains ROFL as its blades.