Como comento, por todo lo que he leido y mi experiencia personal, aparte de los comentarios acertados y exactos del blog de Theliel sobre los problemas de iTunes 8 y sobre todo Windows Vista. Comentarios del foro oficial de Apple:
I have used iTunes for years and years, and never had a problem.
Then I downloaded the newest version.
Big mistake!
First, it crashed my computer.
Once I got things back up and running I discovered that my entire iTunes library was gone - all 73GB of it.
After messing with it for a week I finally got most of my library restored.
Luckily I only lost a couple of gig.
But now every time I open iTunes it shows nothing, even though I have loaded my library into it several time.
I finally ended up uninstalling 8 and reinstalling 7.
Things are now back to normal, but I am still mad.
agree with you
I upgraded to iTunes 8.0 and using it on Vista
First problem: for 48 hours, i could not play any music or podcast - the play button would simply not work. Then, magically, it started working
Second problem: album artwork disappears, and i have to manually get the album artwork each time I load itunes - why is there no persistency?
Third problem: tonight, as I launched itunes 8.0, it simply decided that my iTunes library was "corrupted" and it rebuilt it... missing all my podcasts, all the applications I had downloaded for my iPhone (which I diligently upgraded to v2.1)
Result: I lost $100+ more in applications downloads, can't figure out how to recover them.
hey where did you get the old itunes from because i just downloaded the new one and like you said BIG MISTAKE i cant use it with the version of vista im usuing, so i need to find and old version of itunes probubly 7.7 so that i can use my ipod.
any advise would be greatly appreciated.
Resumiendo los comentarios; se han bajado e instalado el iTunes 8 y les ha destrozado el equipo y jodido todo lo que tenian en iTunes.
Han vuelto a la version 7. Como yo. Es mas a mi me ha sido imposible hacer funcionar la 8 en Vista Ultimate. Para volver a la 7, he tenido que desistalar, utilizando el regedit el iTunes 8 e instalar, bajando de uno en uno e instalandolos tambien de uno en uno, los ficheros de apple, todos y cada uno de ellos; bonjour, itunes, AppleMobileDeviceSupport, QuickTime, SetupAdmin. No habia otra manera de hacer funcionar de nuevo el iTunes 7.
Saludos y disculpad si no traduzco pero no ando con animos ni ganas.