giovannivl escribió:que alguien pruebe esto porque el no tengo ningun juego pra probar y me encontre esto por alguien ya lo probo...disculpen el post jejeje
Plug in your iPod. Your iPod should show up as a drive on your computer. If it doesn't, opoen iTunes and enable disk use on your iPod. To do this, simply click on the iPod icon at the bottom of your iTunes, and check "enable disk mode" on the iPod tab of your iTunes preferences. Once you are in disk mode, go to "My Computer" and double click on your iPod, and then open the Notes folder. Drag the game folder (that you extracted in step 2) into the Notes folder of your iPod.
Step 4:
Go to iTunes and select Update iPod from the "File" option in the menu bar. You may now disconnect your iPod.
O sera que antes de descargarlo al ipod se debe tener ciertas carpetas?
Note that, once you install a game on your iPod, three game folders show up in the (hidden) iPod_Control folder on your iPod. They are:
GameData_RW (Read-Write?)
Games_RO (Read Only?)
GameStats_WO (Write Only?)
Each of these folders contains a subfolder named “66666”.
There appear to be the same files as are in the .ipd file (unzipped) in “Games_RO”
“GameData_RW” contains “game.sav” and “prefs.sav”. Presumably, these are gamesave/settings files (I guess they could be modded/copied in order to unlock levels).
“GameStats_WO” contains another subfolder “en” and a file named “stats” within that (no extension).
This is based on my copy of Tetris. It could vary on different games. I don’t have too much experience with this kind of thing, so I don’t know of how much value this will be, but I figured I’d get it out there.
Here’s to 3rd party iPod apps! I have been waiting for this a long time
Ben (not the same one)
Step 5:
To play the game, just select the "Extras" option in the main screen of your iPod, then select "Notes." You should then see the game you dragged into the notes folder. Select the game, and enjoy!
aunque parece que este personaje ya lo probo...
Sometimes the answer that works in terms of file sharing is the also the simplest. In this case, remember how people originally got their music off their iPod and onto a different computer? You simply bypass iTunes all together. The same seems to be true for games. The key was already posted above by MHZMaster. The only bit of the puzzle missing is the coded name for each game that goes in the Games_RO folder. “66666” for Tetris is correct, though, and seems to work. Unzip the ipg file, rename the folder, and slap it in the Game_RO directory.
entonces nos nace la pregunta de donde diablos salio el 66666!!!???
The “66666” folder name is found in the at the end of the manifest file. I looked at a couple other games and they seem to go chronilogically, i.e., I think Bejeweled’s folder was 55555, Mah Jong was 77777, and Minigolf was 88888. You’d have to look in the manifest file to double check.
My girlfriend downloaded Tetris and it seems that I can plug my iPod into her computer and sync it up no problem. It plays fine. However, if I delete the game from my iPod, transfer the game file to my computer via file sharing or some other means, and then add it to my iTunes, it does not work.
However, and this is where I got confused, I transferred the game to my computer via file sharing, unzipped it, renamed it “66666” and put it in the Games_RO folder and it worked.
que alguien pruebe...
Si esa es la solucion... porque yo me meti en una pag donde uno descargaba juegos y los metia ahi... tambien en una pag no se donde crackearon el ipod y pusieron un emulador de nes...